Operation Advisor
Dr. Clifford S. Saunders

My name is Clifford Saunders. I am the Brain Reprogramming Doctor. I teach people how to use the latest in neuroscience to improve their enjoyment of life, their physical, mental and emotional health, and their ability to reach for and achieve their personal and professional life’s goals.
Over the 40 years of my career, I have worked at the CEO level with large organizations to reprogram the strategic thinking of their executives and employees and dramatically transform the way they approach problems and their resolution and produce unprecedented performance improvements and financial gains.
In my private practice, I work directly with individuals to teach them how to reprogram their brains to change the way they think, act and feel.
For some, it means dealing much more efficiently with diverse conditions like depression, stress, anxiety, various addictions, dementia, loss of memory and balance, brain trauma, Parkinson’s and more.
For others, reprogramming their brains enables them to achieve their goals, accelerate their learning process, raise their grades and potential for promotion, improve their relationships and live their dream.
Dr. Clifford S. Saunders