Fateme Salkhori

My interest in the human brain sparked while drafting my master’s thesis in British Studies. When I was a master student, I decided to explore a decision-making process from the lens of Cognitive Neuroscience. Therefore, I tried to explain how a natural cognitive process of grouping things as “Self” and “Other” led to the leave vote in the 2016 referendum.
While drafting my thesis, I explored numerous books on social identity and intergroup relations, and I realised that to understand social relations, one must have an understanding of the “self”, and the starting point for understanding the self is the “brain”. As a result, the interest in the human brain sparkled brightly in my mind, and I decided to learn more about the brain.
Luckily enough, I met amazing people in this field down the road, which led to my current role at “U: The Mind Company”. At “U”, we investigate different neurostimulation techniques targeting neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. To do so, we are running clinical trials in different countries with the help of prominent researchers in this field.
Fateme Salkhori